Lincoln Seventh-day Adventist Church

The Lincoln Church, a Seventh-day Adventist Church in Lincoln, Rhode Island


Joining a Ministry is an excellent way to serve God, bless others, and build community. It’s also a great way to discover and cultivate your spiritual gifts. There are ministries geared towards children, the elderly and everyone in between. Whether you are single or married, tech-savvy or artistically talented, there is a way for you to share your gifts at the Lincoln Seventh-day Adventist Church.


COMMUNITY SERVICES & ENGAGEMENT MINISTRY - This ministry is a representation of the official community outreach ministry of the Adventist Church. It serves the whole person, a concept known as holistic ministry whose mission is to "serve the community in Christ's name".

HEALTH MINISTRY - This ministry is a representation of the official health ministry of the Adventist Church. It's mission is to demonstrate God's love by promoting whole person health principles to church members and the community at large, assisting people from all ages, gender, and ethnicity in reaching their full potential for wholeness and a productive abundant life.Hospitality Ministry -

FAMILY LIFE COUNCIL MINISTRY - This ministry is a representation of the official family life ministry of the Adventist Church. It is  dedicated to serving the needs of the families in the church and the surrounding community

MUSIC & ART MINISTRY - This ministry ministers hope, encouragement, and uplift others through music and help them encounter a spiritual experience through music.

PERSONAL MINISTRY - This ministry enlists and prepares every member for active soul-winning service for God.

PRAYER & ENCOURAGEMENT MINISTRY - This ministry aids in leading the body of believers toward a more vibrant prayer life while acquiring a deeper spiritual walk in Christ.

SABBATH SCHOOL COUNCIL MINISTRY - This ministry is centered around small groups who go over the weekly Sabbath School lesson. The groups get together to share what they have learned from the lesson and how it has made a difference in their lives. Small groups ranges from birth to adults.

STEWARDSHIP MINISTRY - This ministry helps others become effective managers of God-given resources, proper care and use of the body temple, time, abilities and material possessions.

YOUTH COUNCIL MINISTRY - This ministry s a representation of the official youth ministry of the Adventist Church. It provides support and encouragement for the children and young people at what can be a most critical part of their Christian experience. This council houses the following ministries: Children's, Lincoln Cubs Adventurer Club, Lincoln Lions Pathfinder Club, Adventist Youth Society and Young Adults. 


*GC stands for General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
*NAD stands for North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists
*AU stands for Atlantic Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
*SNEC stands for Southern New England Conference of Seventh-day Adventists